Budget and Finance Committee
The committee is charged with supervision of the financial affairs of the Society
under the budget adopted by the Council and shall present a budget of the expected income and expenses of the Society
for the ensuing year. (Council-Elected Committee)
Committee on Ethics
The committee considers and makes recommendations to the Executive Board for formal
policy statements on timely issues concerning the ethics of medical practice, the profession, and health care delivery.
The committee is required to meet at least two times per year and has a maximum requirement for the number of
members on the committee. (Council-Elected Committee)
Committee on Membership
The committee is charged with establishing programs to encourage the recruitment
and retention of members in the Medical Society of Delaware, as well as addressing membership approval, membership
termination, and changes in membership status. There are established seats based on representation from the residents,
young physicians, primary care, counties, and other specialties. (Council-Elected Committee)
(Dr. John H. O'Neill, Jr., DO) Former Chair
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board for the Delaware Medical Journal, is responsible for its publication, and
supervises the publication of the papers and transactions of the Society, of the program publicity for the Interim and Annual
Meetings, and any special books and documents issued in the name of the Society. Committee members are asked to
submit articles for publication and/or peer review submitted articles for publication consideration. (Standing Committee)
Education Program Planning Subcommittee
Assist in determining the character and scope of
the scientific proceedings of the MSD Fall Annual Meeting and planning other relevant, timely education
subject to the instructions of the MSD President, Executive Board, or Council. (Standing Committee)
(Dr. Stephen J. Kushner, DO)
Environmental Health Subcommittee
This interest area has a focus on environmental issues
affecting the health of Delaware citizens and may overlap with public health issues. (Standing Committee)
(Dr. David P. Donohue, MD)
Government Affairs Committee
Areas of Responsibility are Legislation (Regulatory and Legislative) and Advocacy.
The committee is comprised of specific members as identified in the MSD Bylaws (MSD officers, AMA Delegation
representative, specialty societies with active interest). (Standing Committee)
(Dr. Richard W. Henderson, MD)
Historical Subcommittee
Encourages contribution of historical medical items and information to
develop a perspective of the practice of medicine and surgery in Delaware. Main activity is assisting in
determining items to accept into the historical collection, maintaining an inventory of such items, and
developing the display in the MSD Building. Collections could be developed into an educational
program. (Standing Committee)
Maternal and Child Care Committee
The committee addresses health issues concerning women and children.
Members also receive regular updates from the Child Death, Near Death, and Stillborn Commission and the Delaware
Healthy Mothers and Infants Consortium. (Special Committee)