Over the past few years, I've had the privilege of getting to know Sarah McBride through my role as President of the Medical Society of Delaware. She is truly extraordinary - a remarkable blend of intelligence, compassion, and genuine commitment to public service. Her decision to run for Congress was inspiring, and I am proud to stand among the many Delawareans who enthusiastically supported her candidacy. Read more.
Taming High Health Care Costs
Let me start by stating that the opinions expressed here in are my own and not necessarily those of the Medical Society of Delaware.
In my second year as MSD President, which is just half over, I’ve seen a whirlwind of health care policy initiatives. House Bill 350, which was introduced just three months ago was just signed by Governor Carney. The intent of the law is to regulate hospital budgets with the goal of reducing costs. Hopefully, it will foster more collaboration among hospitals and physicians, employed and independent. Read more.
Fentanyl, Stimulants, Hallucinogens and Other substances
Dear Members: This is the third in a series of communications to provide a summary of the topics discussed at the American Medical Association (AMA) State Advocacy Summit (SAS), which I attended at the beginning of this year. The meeting was packed with enlightening information on a list of topics from a variety of panelists that I want to share with you. The third in my series of communications from the AMA State Advocacy Conference is a discussion on "Fentanyl, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, and Other Substances." There was a very good panel at the State Advocacy Summit on fentanyl, stimulants, hallucinogens, and other substances which have had a devastating impact on in our communities. Read more.
Scope of Practice (AMA State Advocacy Summit)
Dear Members: This is the second in a series of communications to provide a summary of the topics discussed at the American Medical Association (AMA) State Advocacy Summit (SAS), which I attended at the beginning of this year. The meeting was packed with enlightening information on a list of topics from a variety of panelists that I want to share with you. Read more.
Insurance Barriers to Care, AMA State Advocacy Summit
Dear Members: I had the opportunity to attend the American Medical Association (AMA) State Advocacy Summit, which concluded in not-so-sunny Amelia Island, Florida. The meeting was packed with enlightening information on a list of topics from a variety of panelists. Because of the importance of these issues, I plan a series of communications to the membership over the next several months with a summary of the topics discussed, as well as my thoughts. Read more.