Resident and Fellow Section

The goal of the Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) of the Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) is to provide Delaware residents & fellows with an awareness of MSD activities within the medical community and provide an opportunity for engagement in those activities.  In addition, MSD can help as you complete your training and navigate the early years of your medical career.  We offer several useful resources to member residents and fellows including:

  • Opportunities to publish research through the Medical Society of Delaware Academic Channel.
  • Timely and concise information through our communications.
  • Networking opportunities.
  • Health Careers Connect connects you directly with companies recruiting within the health care field. Completely confidential. 
  • Legal Resources to help you negotiate employment contracts.  Legal services are offered to members at a significant discount. 
  • Financial Resources to help jump start your career. 
  • Medical Society of Delaware Insurance Services, Inc. (MSDIS) is one of the largest insurance brokerage operations in Delaware offering physicians access to medical liability, health, dental, life, disability, and personal lines of insurance, as well as Workers’ Compensation coverage. 
  • Resources to open your private practice.  Our Physician Relations Department can provide a wealth of information and guidance to assist you should you choose a career in private practice. 

Additional RFS benefits include:

  • Speaker Services:  Scheduling an MSD speaker is a great way to help residents learn more about what’s going on in health care today and the business of medicine. Our staff is well versed in a variety of topics such as health care reform, student debt, work/life balance, getting involved in organized medicine and much more. 
  • Free membership with PDR Network, the leading distributor of drug labeling information, product safety Alerts, and REMS programs which includes the Physicians' Desk Reference® (PDR®),®, mobilePDR®, and PDR Drug Alerts, providing electronic delivery of mandated safety Alerts to physicians and other prescribers. 

For more information on any of these benefits & services, please contact MSD at (302) 366-1400 or

Not an MSD member? Join now and gain access to the wealth of information, tools, and resources available only to MSD members. If you have questions about membership, contact our membership coordinator at (302) 366-1400 or

Young Physicians Section (YPS)

The purpose of YPS is

  • to identify and address the needs, common problems and opportunities, issues and/or interests of young physicians;
  • to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among young physicians;
  • to provide input into MSD policy through direct access and representation on the MSD Executive Board and Council;
  • to provide a mechanism for representation at the American Medical Association (AMA).

Active MSD members who have been in practice for fewer than five years after completing training or are age 45 or younger are a member of the YPS.

The YPS has developed an extensive agenda to meet young physicians’ concerns and needs through education and social networking. 

Qualifying MSD members are automatically enrolled in the YPS. For more information please contact the MSD Membership Coordinator at (302) 366-1400 or email

Physicians Emeritus Section

The Physician Emeritus Section of the Medical Society of Delaware was organized to facilitate the social and educational needs of senior and/or retired physicians and their spouses. In addition, the Section includes the spouses of deceased members to allow them the opportunity to continue friendships that they have enjoyed throughout the years.

We meet for lunch five times a year at The University & Whist Club in Wilmington; Maple Dale Country Club in Dover and The 1776 Steakhouse in Rehoboth Beach. Prior to lunch, the members socialize for a period of time. These luncheons are a continuum of the socialization that usually occurred at hospital lounges, lunchrooms & hallways during their active years in practice.

For more information on this Medical Society of Delaware section, please contact Michelle Seymour at (302) 224-4905 or email

Get Involved - Make an Impact!

MSD’s Committee on Membership created an ad hoc workgroup who have developed with a statewide Mentorship program! An online survey has been created asking for participants to be mentors, mentees or both.  They are also looking for physicians, residents or students who may wish to be part of their workgroup who will plan in-person/virtual events, help pair mentors with mentees, brainstorm topics and ideas and meet on a semi-regular basis to keep the program momentum going.


If you are interested in getting involved in this mentorship program in any capacity, please take a few minutes to sign up or put the link into your web browser:


Positively influence the practice of medicine in Delaware.  Become a member today!
A message from Michael T. Vest, DO, MSD Executive Board member.

Hear a message from Jayshree Tailor, MD, Chair of the School Health Subcommittee on why YOU should get involved!

Get Involved in MSD Committees

The Medical Society of Delaware welcomes those members interested in involvement in MSD committees. If there is a committee on which you would like to serve, please indicate by checking the box of the corresponding committee and providing a brief reason for your interest. Some committees require election by the Council (Elected Committee), approval by the Executive Board (Standing Committee), or approval from the President (Special Committee), which may impact the turnaround time of the approval process. Some committees may also limit the number of members on the committee as indicated in the Society’s Bylaws. All committees welcome new members and some committees have an immediate need for additional members.  Learn more about MSD committees.

Download the Committee Interest Form, which can be completed on your computer.  Please save the document after you have completed it and email or fax the form to Mary LaJudice at or fax to 302-366-1354

Physicians Emeritus Lunch ~ Learn

Ali Z. Hameli, MD - Identifying Dr. Joseph Mengele: The Angel of Death
The MSD Physician Emeritus Section held its final lunch and learn program on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at the University and Whist Club in Wilmington. Ali Z. Hameli, MD, Former Delaware Chief Medical Examiner and Director of the Forensic Sciences Laboratory, as well as Chair of the Physician Emeritus Section, presented "Identifying Dr. Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death." Dr. Hameli was selected as a member of an international team of forensic scientists to identify the exhumed remains thought to be those of Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele. Mengele conducted inhumane medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, mostly children, and was the subject of an international manhunt following World War II. Upon his death, Mengele was buried under the assumed identity of Wolfgang Gerhard. Watch Presentation.

The Establishment of Medicolegal Investigation of Death and Forensic Sciences in the State of Delaware  June 11, 2019 - Ali Z. Hameli, MD, Former Delaware Chief Medical Examiner and Director of the Forensic Sciences Laboratory, as well as Chair of the Physician Emeritus   Section,  presented on "The Establishment of Medicolegal Investigation of Death and Forensic Sciences in the State of Delaware" at the Physician Emeritus Section luncheon. Dr. Hameli told the story of his struggles in eliminating Delaware's coroner system, which was in existence since the early 1600s in the U.S., to the establishment of a medical examiner system in Delaware in 1964 under his leadership.
His quest was to establish an independent system to provide justice for those to whom a crime was committed, as well as advocating for better public health and safety,   learning from the deceased. This presentation is now available to watch online thanks to a grant from the Delaware Medical Education Foundation.  Watch Presentation

Vietnam Through the Eyes of a Surgeon On April  9th, 2019 MSD member Allen L. Davies, MD presented at the Physician Emeritus Section luncheon on his experiences as a young surgeon in Vietnam. Dr. Davies   shared colorful memories of life in war time and how military medical personnel lived and operated under less than ideal conditions.   Watch Presentation