MSD’s Political Advocacy is a multi-faceted program intended to:
Represent, promote and defend the interests of physicians and their patients in the halls of government;
Educate and advise lawmakers and officials on medical issues that affect our community;
Establish relationships with and evaluate elected officials; and
Provide members the tools they need to stay current on the laws and regulations that affect their practices and to make informed decisions in the ballot booth.
AMA Health Care Advocacy
The MSD Advocacy 101 deck is a great way to learn more about engaging your practice in advocacy. For more information, on MSD’s advocacy initiatives, contact Lisa Gruss at
Advocacy 101 for Physicians.

Legislative Advisory #46
Bill Chart as of 11/2024
Legislative Wrap up for 2024 – 7/2/2024
Legislative Action Alert – Contact Your Senator on SB 10
Legislative Action Alert - Prior Authorization SB 10
MSD's Top Priorities
-Prior Authorization
-Primary Care Reform
-Educational Transparency/Misappropriation
Resolutions presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting as follows:
Two resolutions were
presented to the Council for consideration. A third resolution was submitted
and considered a late resolution. The Council, by at least a ¾ affirmative vote, accepted the late resolution as an item of business. The resolves of each
resolution, any adopted amendments to them, and final action are incorporated
as follows.
Resolutions were numbered and presented in the order in which they were received.
Acceptable Alternatives for Prescribing – (Resolution 01-A2024)
Discussion of Resolution was Tabled
RESOLVED, that the various
forms of prescribing modality be acceptable alternatives, including the traditional written prescriptions and phone
prescriptions, as well as e-prescribing.Unfortunately, the author of the
resolution was not present to answer questions by Council members. It was also
noted that the resolve does not provide
a plan to enforce or act upon. The motion
to table discussion of the resolution was adopted.
Medical Society of Delaware Support
of the State of Delaware
Uniform Determination of Death Act – (Resolution 02-A2024)
Adopted as amended
RESOLVED, that the Medical
Society of Delaware endorse the new Pediatric and Adult Brain Death/Death by
Neurologic Criteria Consensus
Guideline as the accepted medical
standard for determination of brain death/death by neurologic criteria; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Medical
Society of Delaware advocates that all health care facilities engaged in the
determination of brain death/death by neurologic criteria
in Delaware embrace
the new Pediatric and Adult Brain
Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria Consensus Guideline as the medical standard
until such time more current standards are adopted by a national consensus.
Confirming the Use of Evidence-Based Care for Health
Policy Decision Making
– (Late Resolution Accepted by Council as Item of
Business - Resolution 03-A2024)
The resolution was adopted with Whereas clauses
amended. The Resolve
clauses were adopted
with no changes.
RESOLVED, that the Medical Society
of Delaware advocates to our federal
legislators to properly
vet any potential candidate for confirmation in a thorough and nonpartisan manner
and consider the short- and long-term effects of their decisions; and be it
RESOLVED, that the Medical
Society of Delaware
closely monitors the federal landscape and advocate for state
legislation that will protect Delawareans.
In an unprecedented request, the Council agreed to accept the resolution if two Whereas clauses were modified so that
specific names of President-Elect Trump’s nominations to national
health care seats were
removed. The author of the resolution
agreed and the two Whereas clauses are stricken from the resolution.
Dr. Varipapa addressed the Council and provided an overview of the activities and meetings he has been involved
with, and encouraged participation in events, the Mission Appeal, DELPAC, and
joining committees.
The Council adopted
the following Resolution:
RESOLVED, that each and all the resolutions, acts, and proceeding of the Executive
Board of the Medical Society
of Delaware heretofore adopted since the last meeting of the Council of
the Medical Society of Delaware as shown by the records of the minutes and all
the acts of the officers and Executive Board of the Society in carrying out and
promoting the purposes, objectives, and interests of this Society since the
last Council meeting are approved and ratified and hereby made the acts and
deeds of the Medical Society of Delaware.
Informational reports
were submitted to the Council
from MSD’s committees, sections, subsidiaries, and charitable
foundations, as well as reports from the Delaware Delegation to the American
Medical Association and Delaware medical specialty societies. The reports remain on file at the Medical
Society of Delaware office.
2024 Annual Meeting Summary